Kwa habari za kijamii, kisiasa, kiuchumi na kiburudani

Kwa habari za kijamii, kisiasa, kiuchumi na kiburudani


Sunday, August 20, 2017

SADC Summit closes as Union of Comoros becomes a new Member.

Part of SADC Leaders during the Family Photo in Pretoria.

The 37th Southern African Development Community-SADC Ordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government which came to a close in Pretoria today has welcomed the Union of Comoros as a new member of SADC.

The inclusion of the Union of Comoros brings the number of member states of the SADC region to 16.
The assessment of the application by the Republic of Burundi is still on going.
And the summit bid farewell to Botswana President Lieutenant General Doctor Seretse Khama Ian Khama and Angola President José Eduardo dos Santos, respectively.
Meanwhile, the summit has urged member states to operationalize the 2017 theme through implementation of projects which are in line with the focus areas.
Areas which member states have been directed to focus on include Agro-processing, mineral benefaction, energy, pharmaceuticals, boosting skills to enhance regional integration and to create mechanism for the involvement of the private sector.
This is contained in a Communique of the 37th Summit of Heads of state and Government read by the SADC Executive Secretary Stergomena Lawrence Tax at the close of the summit in Pretoria, today.
The 37th SADC Ordinary Summit for 2017 theme was ‘Partnering with the private sector in developing industry and regional value chains.
On improvement of energy in the region, the summit directed that a regional natural gas committee be constituted to promote the inclusion of gas in the regional energy mix for industrial development.
And the summit has noted that the high prevalence in HIV and AIDS especially adolescents and young people is fueled by drug abuse.
The summit therefore directed the secretariat to urgently develop a comprehensive Regional Strategy to deal with drug abuse and cyber-crime.
Meanwhile, the SADC signing three legal instruments which came out of the 37th SADC Summit among them the Protocol for the Protection of new varieties of plants in the SADC region.
And President Lungu signing the amended protocol on gender and development at the close of the summit amid calls by the summit for member states to make efforts to reach the 50:50 gender parity in political and decision making positions in the public service.
And in his closing statement SADC Chairperson Jacob Zuma, who is also South Africa President said the theme aims to ensure realization of industrialization to develop region.
President Zuma pointed out that member states have lived up to the principles of democracy, peace and security, rule of law.


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